Array Modifier Updates

New Array By Element methods are now included in all of the Array modifier Distribution Rollouts, giving you greater control over the arrangement of elements. Additionally, you can use the new Variation parameter to adjust the angle of clones in your phyllotactic spirals.

Array by Element parameters

Previously, if a source object had multiple elements and Array By Element was enabled, each element was randomly used as a clone. Now, two new Array By Element methods let you control how elements are arranged. You can select the following methods from any of the Distribution Rollouts (Grid, Radial, Spline, Surface, or Phyllotaxis):

First, Middle, Last: The first and last elements are used once, at the beginning and end of the array. The remaining elements are arranged randomly.

Ordered: The order of the elements is repeated based on a selected orientation (X, Y, Z, or Clone ID).

New Phyllotaxis Distribution method parameters

The following new parameters have been added to the Phyllotaxis Distribution Method Rollout, providing more control over randomization:

Variation: Enables the location of each successive clone to be slightly offset along the rotation distribution.

Seed: Controls the randomness at which the variation is applied to clones.

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